You can help us create a thriving Garfield Park by including Breakthrough in your will or trust. It is important to have a plan that provides for the needs of your loved ones and honors your desire to leave a legacy gift. Breakthrough has a long-term commitment to our partnership with residents, and your generosity sustains the future of our mission.

With Breakthrough in your will or trust, you become a member of an esteemed group known as the Living Legacy Society. As a member, we will keep you up to date on the latest Breakthrough happenings.

To learn more about the benefits of making a charitable bequest, please contact Bob Marsh, Director of Donor Relations, at or (630) 290-2388.

Walk for Hunger Walkers


As you begin thinking about your legacy, Breakthrough is here to help. Please contact us to get started.

Bob Marsh
Director, Donor Relations
(630) 290-2388

2022 Beginners Student looking through telescope


Designate Breakthrough Urban Ministries as a beneficiary in your will. Suggested language to share with your attorney for an expandable, unrestricted bequest:

“I give, devise and bequeath to Breakthrough Urban Ministries, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation having its principle offices in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, the sum of $ ______( or XX percent of my estate; or the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) for the general and charitable purposes.”

Breakthrough Urban Ministries’ nonprofit tax ID number is 36-3810926. To ensure that your long-term philanthropic objectives will be fulfilled, please contact us for sample language if you wish to make a restricted bequest.

volunteer in fresh market food pantry


As a member of the Living Legacy Society, we will keep you up to date on the latest Breakthrough happenings. We will honor your privacy as we do not publish the names of our Living Legacy Society members, but would love to help you stay connected. If you have already included Breakthrough in your estate plans, we hope you will let us know and allow us to count you as a member of this esteemed group!