Just before heading back to school this summer, Breakthrough kids spent 5 days in “Broadcast Camp” learning all about broadcast journalism with Breakthrough volunteers and friends WGN Anchor Cortney Hall and Producer Afua Owusu.

The kids met with guest speakers, took a field trip to WGN studios, and taped a news segment they crafted themselves. Throughout the camp, they learned how to write scripts, read from the prompter and about the different types of reporting. Each student picked a role: anchor, reporter, sportscaster, weather correspondent, or trending newscaster.

“The kids loved the class,” said Shalom Watts, Associate Director of Breakthrough Arts and Science Academy. “The more hands-on they got to be, the more fun they had.”

Even if a career in broadcast journalism isn’t their chosen profession, the kids said they overcame their fear of public speaking through the camp, a skill applicable in any field.